Our Geography Subject leader is Mrs Carol Sharrock.
"Geography is a subject which holds the key to our future." Michael Palin
Our Geography Ambassadors.
Our Vision for Geography at Holy Spirit
At Holy Spirit, our bespoke Geography curriculum combines local, national and international knowledge and skills. We aim to encourage curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. To help our children with this, we understand the importance of Geography being related to the children’s own experiences and of them understanding their place within the wider world.
Geography at Holy Spirit is aimed to inspire pupil’s curiosity and fascination about the world around them and beyond. Through our teaching, we aim to equip our pupils with a broad knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge and understanding about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human changes. Through careful planning and resourcing, we also allow children’s knowledge and understanding to develop further and experience Geography in a wider context outside of the classroom.
We follow the Holy Spirit Geography curriculum for our schemes of work and have chosen areas of learning for each year group which we know will engage and develop our children’s knowledge. The curriculum is sequenced so that it allows both teachers and children to build on prior knowledge, uses Knowledge Organisers before each subject as the foundation of the learning and also ensures there is smooth progression throughout the topics. In addition to this, a knowledge capture helps consolidate learning and takes these skills to promote progression through the year groups. We teach Geography in creative ways; including children’s use of geographical resources such as map reading skills, use of atlases, globes and fieldwork.
We believe that our children will enjoy learning about geography and the world around them, therefore encouraging them to undertake new life experiences. They also build and develop their geographical skills so that they are able to confidently use maps to locate and describe features of a location. They will have developed the geographical knowledge, skills and vocabulary to help them explore, navigate and understand the world around them and their place in it and to develop excellent fieldwork skills. Our curriculum will also allow them to develop progressively as they move through school, enabling them and supporting them in meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Geography Curriculum Documents
Roadmap for Geography from Nursery to Year 6
Progression Map by Year Group
Geography Progression - Understanding the World EYFS
Geography Progression Map - Year 1
Geography Progression Map - Year 2
Geography Progression Map - Year 3
Geography Progression Map - Year 4
Examples of our Geography Learning
Check out what our Geography Ambassadors have to say about their learning.
Our Geography Ambassadors talking about the amazing work she has completed on different climates.
Our Geography Ambassadors are so keen to tell us about her amazing learning about Rwanda.
Our Geography Ambassadors explain all of their super learning on Volcanoes.
Our Geography Ambassadors explain what we have learned about Poland.
Our Geography Ambassadors told us lots of details about the Rainforests of the world.
Our Geography Ambassadors talk about the formation of the planet, tectonic plates, earthquakes and volcanic activity.