Brunswick Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA9 2JE

01744 678670

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Learn. Together we will soar to new heights.

Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 class page!

Class Teacher - Mrs Hodgson and Miss Green

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Martin

Year 3 is such a brilliant year and we can't wait to start our learning journey with you! Your child will be transitioning from Key stage 1 into Key stage 2 which is not only a scary time but also an exciting time. In Year 3, we will be building on and developing children's previous learning in Year 2 as well as creating our own amazing learning journey along the way. Throughout the course of the year, your child will be learning about new topics and subjects and we look forward to sharing our journey with you. 

Keep checking in to catch up with what the children are doing throughout the year as we will be updating our page regularly.

You can check out what we are learning this year by downloading our Curriculum Overview (the link is below).

Year 3 Meet the teacher and information session with parents and carers

Click on the PowerPoint below to read through important information about Year 3. 


Year 3 Curriculum 

Year 3 Curriculum Overview 2024-2025.doc


Homework this year is Reading Plus or Lexia and Times table Rockstars. Please access this online learning regularly and let me know if you have any issues. 

Also, a Maths homework sheet will go home on a Monday and must be returned by Friday.


Spellings will be sent home on a Monday for a spelling test the following Monday. 

If your child struggles with the weekly spelling test they will be retested on Wednesday giving them the opportunity to improve.   

Year 3 Gallery

National Poetry Day

We shared lots of poems in our wonderful school library. Scan the QR code to hear Sophie reading one of our favourite poems of the day! #English #Reading #Oracy


We have been looking at how we can use extended noun phrases within our writing based on the story Hansel and Gretel. The children produced some fantastic character descriptions based on the character of the evil, wicked witch.  

Guided reading

Year 3 have been focusing on their use of voice during our guided reading sessions and practicing their oracy skills 

Bookies and Cookies

Year 3 and Year 4 welcomed our parents and carers into school to share our love of reading! we had an opportunity to browse the book fair and read some stories together. #Reading #CommunityLinks

Library Visit

We had a lovely visit from St Helen's Library service. We shared stories and read for pleasure with Joanne. We talked about our favourite authors and books and we recapped what Fiction and Non-Fiction books are.

Fireside Friday

We voted g for which #FiresideFriday book we’d share.  Our choices were non-fiction books as part of #NonFictionNovember & ‘I wonder why the sea is salty’ won - almost unanimously!


In our Art topic, this term, we will be looking at creating gestural drawings using charcoal and chalk. We have researched and explored our artist, Edgar Degas, and expressed our thoughts and feelings about his art. We have used charcoal, rubbers and chalk to mar-make, exploring light and dark, and we have learnt about chiaroscuro. #Art


We are really enjoying our Music learning so far...

We are learning a song called 'Let your spirit fly', which we think is beautiful! Listen to us practising the chorus - we even added in our own actions! Scan the QR code #Music

We learnt the verses and had a sing off... boys v girls - scan to watch us!

We've been learning to play the glockenspiel alongside the song too!


We worked super hard in our E-Safety topic in Computing. In particular, we enjoyed learning about online bullying, which linked perfectly with our #AntiBullyingWeek learning.

Handwriting Heroes

Well done to our handwriting heroes - your handwriting today was beautiful - you tried super hard to ensure your ascenders, descenders and letter formation were all accurate and well presented!

British Values

We have been bringing #Britishvalues to life this week learning about Parliament Week and the role of democracy! We have taken a vote for our Christmas film!

Protected Characteristics

We shared 'We are all different' as part of our Protected Characteristics learning. Psalm 13 9-11 tells us 'I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made' - we used our voices to express opinions, thoughts and interests, staying positive and resilient. #PSHE #ProtectedCharacteristics

We read ‘We are all different’ in our Protected Characteristics lesson. Matthew 22:39 says ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’- it is a call to embrace difference & show respect to all. We explored our families & their differences.

We shared the story ‘The Proudest Blue’ in our Protected Characteristics   lesson. Proverbs 16:3 says ‘Commit your actions to the Lord, & your plans will succeed’ - we explored how difficult challenges can be & identified our successes #PSHE #DreamsAndGoals

PSHE - First Aid

We have been learning what is meant by first aid and how to respond and react in an emergency situation. We've been learning basic life support,  how to contact the emergency services and what to say to them. #FirstAid #KeepingSafe #PSHE

NSPCC - Speak out! Stay safe!

Year 3 have been learning about Speak out! Stay safe! with the NSPCC. We have learnt about children's rights and we know that a safe, trusted adult will always listen to us if we feel upset or worried. #SpeakOutStaySafe #PSHE #NSPCC


Aspirations - we can be whatever we want to be! #PSHE #CareersAndAspirations

Anti-Bullying Week

We enjoyed going to our wonderful school library to share the story, Don't touch my hair, about showing respect, as part of Anti-Bullying Week. We linked this to our #PSHE learning about respecting each other. #Respect #AntiBullyingWeek #CelebratingDifference

Choose Respect Drama Workshop

We had an amazing time with Altru Drama during our Anti-Bullying workshop, learning to #ChooseRespect through drama.

Odd Socks Day

To help raise awareness of bullying & to celebrate our uniqueness, we all enjoyed wearing our odd socks! We know they have to be kind & choose respect.

We took part in #RoadSafetyWeek  We explored what it means to be a Road Safety Hero through discussion & we created Road Safety Hero posters.


The importance of sleep

Year 3 learnt about how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle, routines that support good quality sleep & the effects of lack of sleep on the body, feelings, behaviour & ability to learn. They also learnt how good sleep can support mental health & well-being.

Breathe buddies - Asthma

Years 3,4 and 5 enjoyed an asthma friendly assembly with St Helens Wellbeing & the Breathe Buddies, focusing on breathing better together.


As part of our daily practice, we celebrate all the wonderful things about each other with our PAThS Pupil of the Day!

We give our POTD compliments - this could be something they're good at, something we like about their appearance or something about their character.

Our POTD is encouraged to give their self a compliment and this is taken home for a compliment to be given at home too. #PAThS #PSHE

To Know You More Clearly

Within branch 1 of our 'To know you more clearly' topic we have been looking at the story of creation. The children created some amazing artwork based on Psalm 8. 

We thought about how we can repair our friendship with God.

Prayer & Liturgy

As our Go forth, in Prayer and Liturgy, we thought about what it means to be a pupil in Holy Spirit - we created posters to celebrate all the wonderful reasons to be a Holy Spirit pupil #PrayerAndLiturgy

Year 3 have been doing an amazing job leading our prayer and liturgy sessions. 

PSHE - Picture News

Each week, we look at what's in the news and we respond to a 'big question', which supports our PSHE curriculum. #PSHE #PictureNews

We shared a beautiful Prayer and Liturgy all about HOPE from our Picture News topic last week. 

We have been discussing the HelpPicture big question - what does it mean to feel included? We know that including others creates a sense of belonging for everyone. It ensures a kind & supportive environment for all. We love being an inclusive school! #PSHE #IndividualLiberty #PictureNews


This half term, we are learning to play handball in PE. We are practising being more accurate with our throwing and catching skills. We are learning how to intercept and dodge safely and following the in-game rules. #PE

Year 3 blew me away with their amazing gymnastics skills! We explored different ways of travelling and began creating our own routine. #PE

What an amazing Maths Learn and share we had with our parents and children in Year 3 and Year 4, focusing on times tables and fun ways to learn them. #Maths #LearnAndShare


In our textiles topic, we have researched our significant person - Paboy Bojang. He makes bold, colourful pillows and is the inspiration for our topic. #DT #Textiles

Look at our final products - we tried super hard to make our cushions, using a cross-stitch or a running stitch. We were very resilient and patient! #DT