Brunswick Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA9 2JE

01744 678670

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Learn. Together we will soar to new heights.


Our wonderful Maths ambassadors. 

Our Maths subject leader is Mr Alex Platt.

"Pure mathematics is, in its own way, the poetry of logical ideas." -Albert Einstein.


The mathematics education provided by school will allow the children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice with complexity increasing over time. Children will be able to develop a conceptual understanding and ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. Problem solving is a key skill which is nurtured and developed in all pupils; this can be achieved over time by providing all children with the opportunities to apply their knowledge to a variety of routine and non-routine problems. The children’s ability to use what they have learnt previously in order to answer similar questions will be increased and built upon each year. Importantly, the mathematics education provided by school develops mathematical initiative and motivation, when working both independently and with others. The mathematics education provided in school aims to develop the children’s enjoyment of mathematics through creativity and imagination. All learners will participate in effective, purposeful tasks with sufficient challenge; this will allow all children to progress over time.


The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage provides the long-term planning for mathematics taught in the EYFS. Specifically, the areas of study within mathematics are Number and Shape, Space and Measures. This is well supplemented by the non-statutory Development Matters Document (2012), which supports teachers in implementing the statutory requirements of the EYFS. Furthermore, there are now EYFS resources available through the White Rose Maths Scheme and these have been used to supplement learning. In Key Stages One and Two (Years One to Six), teachers follow the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning, which are the medium-term planning documents. These schemes provide teachers with specific mathematics objectives (taken from the National Curriculum) broken down into fluency, problem solving and reasoning. Resources such as Classroom Secrets and Maths No Problem supplement the White Rose activities very well, and these resources can be used in conjunction with the White Rose schemes. Also, the Target Maths textbooks are a good resource to use in order to develop fluency skills. The White Rose Maths Scheme allows for a progressive curriculum; once topics are covered, they are met again regularly in differing contexts and are built upon every academic year. Concepts are revisited in each year group to ensure that children develop a well-rounded mathematics education. Maths is a core subject, given significant time on the timetable, with a daily lesson in every class.


The impact and success of maths teaching is seen in the solid scores in test situations, the monitored progress of each child, the positive outcomes of the pupil voice questionnaires and the children’s independence in lessons. Mathematical confidence, the ability to take on new challenges by drawing on previous experiences, ensures that the children are learning mathematical resilience, a skill that is used throughout life.

Formative assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning and is a continuous process. Teachers make daily formative assessments of children in mathematics lessons through regular marking of work, analysing errors and challenging misconceptions, asking specific questions and listening carefully to answers, facilitating and listening to discussions and making observations. We listen to and observe the children in our care. This allows teachers to make daily decisions about what needs to be taught next, based on what the children say and how they have performed in lessons.

Termly, summative assessments are carried out across the school using the assessment materials for each year group. These materials are used alongside teacher’s judgements in order to give each child a RAW score and then a corresponding scaled score. The scaled scores are then used to see whether each child is below expected, expected or greater depth for their year group’s expectations. Following the submission of data, a professional dialogue takes place where interventions are considered and put in to place where appropriate. This is solely to order improve mathematical attainment and the impact of our curriculum.

Overall, children leave Holy Spirit with a more well-rounded view of mathematical concepts and principals, having learnt key skills at their own level. Children develop a more positive view to mathematics whilst making academic progress simultaneously. Furthermore, crucial skills needed in the real world, such as reasoning, problem solving, resilience and independence, are carefully nurtured in children of all ages.

White Rose Schemes

In Key Stages One and Two (Years One to Six), teachers follow the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning. These schemes provide teachers with specific mathematics objectives (taken from the National Curriculum) broken down into fluency, problem solving and reasoning. The schemes support a mastery approach to teaching and learning and place a huge emphasis on number sense- which is the foundation of all mathematical understanding. The White Rose schemes ensures that teachers stay in the required year group/key stage and allow the children to explore a concept in depth. There are always lots of opportunities for our children to show they are completing questions ensuring the they are focusing on the Three Aims of the National Curriculum: Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. 

Although EYFS do not use the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning, (as they follow the statutory Early Years Framework), the Development Matters Document provides an abundance of ideas regarding what adults could do and provide in the environment in order to support mathematical learning.

We ask our children lots of questions that promote a deep understanding of the concepts they are learning in class. Lessons are interactive and focus heavily on the use of concrete resources to support the children's understanding.

If you want to have a look through the schemes of work, you can find them all by clicking on the link below:

White Rose Maths Schemes

Our fantastic Maths working walls

Useful Websites

Times Table Rock Stars

We have recently subscribed to a great website that will certainly help you with your times tables but you can also have a bit of fun with it as you have the opportunity to become a Rock Star! You can compete on your own, against any other member of your class or even a teacher in a rock star challenge.  

How many can you get correct?  What times tables do you need to learn to help you improve?  Set your challenge and become the best rock star!

If you need have forgotten your log in details please ask your class teacher and they will provide you with these.

IXL Maths Practice

IXL Maths | Online maths practice

Another fantastic resource that you can use to support your learning is IXL Maths Practice. When you click on the link above, you are taken to a main homepage. Next, select your year group and there are a number of mathematical skills that you can practise related to the curriculum. This website is an interactive, enjoyable way to either consolidate previous skills or learn new maths altogether!

Why is mathematics important?

The positives impacts of mathematics include:

-Good for your brain and intellect.

-A better understanding of financing and budgeting.

-Provides further career opportunities.

-It is a universal language.

-Understanding of how to make the world a better place.

-Boosts self-esteem.

-Promotes psychological well-being.

In addition, mathematics in schools has been shown to have positive effects upon learning, including:

-Increased concentration.

-Increased problem solving skills.

-Increased understanding of the concept of time.

-Better visual attention and decision making.


Maths in Holy Spirit

Here is our memorable learning video from Autumn Term.

In this video, some of our Early Years pupils talk about some of their learning in mathematics. 

Our Maths Ambassadors met with Mr Platt in Autumn term to share their brilliant work so far this year. They have learnt lots!

Here is our memorable learning video from Spring Term.

Our wonderful Times Table bee was a huge success - congratulations to everyone who took part, and a huge well done to the winners.

Here is our memorable learning video from Summer Term.

In this video, our Maths Ambassadors share why they enjoy playing Times Tables Rock Stars and how it helps them in maths.