Brunswick Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA9 2JE

01744 678670

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Learn. Together we will soar to new heights.


Our History subject leader is Mrs Carol Sharrock. 

Our History Ambassadors. 

"The work of today is the history of tomorrow and we are its makers."

Juliette Gordon Low. 

Our History Vision At Holy Spirit.

In our History Curriculum, at Holy Spirit Primary School, we strive to create opportunities for children to gain a knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world and to think and act as historians, using high-quality historical language.


The Holy Spirit History curriculum gives the learning a purpose and as such aims to teach children why it is relevant and how it has shaped our lives in today’s world. The curriculum aims to equip the children with the knowledge and understanding of how to become a critical and evaluative historian. It  gives us a foundation on which to build learning combined with the freedom to explore other areas of historical interest. .Our children are exposed to a rich and varied experience of History as we aim to teach this through interesting and relevant topics whilst meeting the statutory requirements. This creative curriculum gives us the tools in which to build the children’s historical knowledge by teaching History in chronological order.  All teachers use creative teaching, innovative and relevant resourcing, and a sense of awe and wonder ensure our children enjoy their learning.


The curriculum is sequenced in such a way that builds on prior knowledge and follows a chronological approach to learning. This ensures there is smooth progression throughout the topics.  Children build on historical enquiry year on year, as in Year 3 children learn how to find out what life was like in the stone age by, ‘Using different sources of information’. Building on this in year 4 where pupils are required to; ‘Use secondary evidence to identify key historical facts. We have high expectations for presentation and encourage our children to take pride in recording evidence such as timelines, written pieces of work and research. Our playground has a timeline marking for children to use at the start of a topic. We use Knowledge Organisers to introduce a topic and Knowledge Captures establish what learning has been memorable. 


Throughout their learning journey, the children build on skills to be able to be confident in asking relevant questions, in an historical context. They understand chronology of events from the past, from International, British and Local History. They will now how to use research skills and secondary sources to identify key historical facts. Our aims will inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past,  learn key aspects and chronological order of the historical topic, equip them to ask perceptive questions and develop their reasoning skills and challenge them to think critically and independently.


Long Term Overviews For History

History Roadmap

History Long Term Overviews Years 1-6

History Learning - EYFS

Progression Maps

History Progression Map EYFS

History Progression Map Year 1

History Progression Map Year 2

History Progression Map Year 3

History Progression Map Year 4

History Progression Map Year 5

History Progression Map Year 6

History Gallery 

Our History displays showcase our learning.

Sharing our learning...

Our Year 1 As Creatives Workshop.

Our fabulous As Creatives Workshops kickstarted our History learning in Year 1. We have learned about Toys from the Past. We used drama to pretend to be different toys. The most fun was to be a spinning top.

Our Year 2 As Creatives Workshop. 

Wow! Year 2 had a wonderful time learning all about significant people from the past.  From Florence Nightingale to Neil Armstrong, we learned about their importance and how they shaped our past and future. 

Early Years Remembrance Poem

Sunset Poppies Canvas Picture Red Poppy in Field English Country Wall Art Print

Rainforest Remembrance Poem

Sunset Poppies Canvas Picture Red Poppy in Field English Country Wall Art Print

Our Year 3  As Creatives Workshop.

Click on the QR code to watch our wonderful Year 3 children enjoying their As Creatives workshops about the Bronze Age to Stone Age. 

Our Year 4 As Creatives Workshop learning about Ancient Greeks

Year 4 loved learning all about the Ancient Greeks in our As Creatives workshop. We learned all about Greek Gods and their powers

Years 1, 2 & 3  Remembrance Poems

Sunset Poppies Canvas Picture Red Poppy in Field English Country Wall Art Print

Year 1 

Year 2 

Year 3 .

Our Year 5 As Creatives Workshop.

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Vikings and the Anglo Saxons in their As Creatives workshop. We reenacted how the Vikings came to Britain and the impact on our country today.

Our Year 6 As Creatives Workshop.

What a fabulous day we had in Year 6 with As Creatives learning all about Victorian times. We dressed up as Victorian children and learned how they lived back in the Victorian era.

Years 4, 5 & 6 Remembrance Poems

Sunset Poppies Canvas Picture Red Poppy in Field English Country Wall Art Print

Year 4 

Year 5

Year 6