Brunswick Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA9 2JE

01744 678670

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Learn. Together we will soar to new heights.


Welcome to Nursery!

Class Teacher - Miss  Ashton

HLTA - Mrs Whittaker 

Our Nursery is such a wonderful place to start your Holy Spirit journey.  We share our provision with the Reception children, and we are all one very big family.  In Nursery we do some focused activities, but the large majority of our learning takes place through play. 

We have lots of fun things to do and we are looking forward to sharing our journey with you!


First day in Nursery


Nursery Curriculum 

Nursery Curriculum Overview 

For more information about the Nursery curriculum, please click on the curriculum tab of our website. 


Each week your child will bring a reading book home for you to read and share with them.  

Follow us on Twitter

We regularly update our school Twitter (new name for Twitter is X). Please have a look to see what we have been up to this week.

 #EYFS #Nursery #Reception #Soaringtonewheights 


Welcome to Reception!

Class Teacher - Mrs Bretherton

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Jackson

Reception is a really exciting time for both parents and children. During this year we will all work together to ensure that your child will develop a love for learning which they will carry with them for the rest of their school journeys. We provide a nurturing and exciting learning environment to give all our children the opportunity to grow and develop into happy and confident learners. We understand that children learn best when they are interested and intrigued.

I'm sure we are going to have lots of fun this year by trying new activities and sharing exciting experiences together.

First day in Reception

Reception Curriculum 

Reception Curriculum overview 

For more information about the Reception curriculum, please click on the curriculum tab of our website. 


Each Friday your child will receive a new reading book. This is a book that your child will share with yourself and with a member of staff. We expect your child to read it by themselves with encouragement from you. If you could record how they did in their reading diary this will help support your child in moving through book bands. 

Inside your child’s book bag they will have;

  • A reading book
  • Tricky word flash cards
  • Number flash cards

Book bags must be in school everyday and books will be changed every Thursday.

Evidence Me

We evidence key assessment moments of your child's learning, these will be shared with you via Evidence Me. We will also share with you the next steps for your child's learning, we would like to invite you to add your own observations linked to the next steps.

EYFS Gallery 


We love stories in EYFS!

Owl Babies 

The children in Nursery got creative and made their puppets to retell the story of Owl Babies.

The Leaf Man

Reception loved exploring this story.

"The Leaf Man's got to go where the wind blows' and he landed in our prayer garden...take a look at some of our creations

Understanding the world 

We observed Remembrance Day with thoughtful activities to honor those who sacrificed for our freedom. 

Where in the world?

As part of our Where in the world project, the children in EYFS enjoyed trying a traditional British teatime treat, crumpets! These were washed down with a lovely cup of tea.

As part of our Where in the world project, the children in EYFS have loved exploring everything to do with London.

We had so much fun exploring Autumn...

We loved exploring all about me...

We explored the importance of our names and learnt how to write them. The children also enjoyed exploring how to label our body and how to paint our own portraits. We also made yummy edible faces - paying close attention to where to position our eyes, nose and mouths. 

Nocturnal Animals visit to EYFS...

Nursery and Reception had a fantastic visit from Mick who brought our topic of Nocturnal Animals to life. The children loved holding Mabel the hedgehog and Oscar the Owl!


In Nursery, we develop our Mathematic knowledge through stories. 

So far this year we have read the following stories:

1: The Gingerbread Man 

2: Little Red Riding hood

3: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Take a look at our pictures to see our learning in action!

In Reception, we develop our mathematical knowledge a number at a time. 

So far this year we have explored the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. 

See our gallery below to see some highlights of our mathematical journey. These include..

  • Racing cars and deciding which car came 1st (number 1)
  • Exploring money and how to make 2p to pay for snack (number 2)
  • Subitising numbers to 3 and recounting using cheerio counting (number 3)
  • Exploring quarters by sharing a pizza with friends (number 4)
  • Making human tally marks to represent the number 5 and using natural objects to make our own Pentagons (number 5)

To Know You More Clearly

Branch 1 - Creation and Covenant 

God made our beautiful world and everything in it. God made me.

God created the world and said, ‘Indeed it is very good’.

The whole of creation shows God’s love for us.

Branch 2 - Creation and Covenant 

Prophesy and Promise 

The season of Advent 

Prayer and Liturgy

In Reception, the children have been learning about Mary and what a special lady she was. The children explored The Annunciation and used art to express their understanding from puppet making to portrait drawings to small world play. 

Parental Engagement: Teddy Club 

Teddy Club - Remarkable Reading

Thank you to all the parents who attended our Remarkable Reading session. We hope you enjoyed the many early reading activities; from making letters in the play-dough to riding the bikes on the hunt for CVC words.

We had a lovely time at Bookies and Cookies in the hall to look at all of the books at the Book Fair.

Physical Development 

We love to dance!


(Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies)

As part of our daily practice, we celebrate all the wonderful things about each other with our PAThS Pupil of the Day!

We give our POTD compliments - this could be something they're good at, something we like about their appearance or something about their character.

Our POTD is encouraged to give their self a compliment and this is taken home for a compliment to be given at home too. #PAThS #PSHE

Daily check in with our emotions. 

Here are lots of children in EYFS who have been chosen by Miss Walsh as a Headteacher Superstar this term!

Expressive Arts and Design 

The children have been studying the works of Yayoi Kasama. Yayoi Kasama is a Japenese contempory artist. She is well known for her signature polka dot patterns. 

The children created some wonderful Owl drawings.

Protected Characteristics 

As part of our Protected Characteristics learning in PSHE, we have shared, I am Brown (N) and We are all welcome (Rec), which teaches us to be aware that we are all different, yet all welcome. #PSHE #ProtectedCharacteristics #BeingMeInMyWorld

Reception shared ‘You be you’ in our Protected Characteristics lesson. We explored similarities & diļ¬€erences. Philippians 4:13 says ‘I can do all this through Him who gives me strength’ - we have been celebrating differences between ourselves.

Nursery shared ‘You be you’ in our Protected Characteristics lesson. Romans 12:16 says ‘Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them’ - we explored our special talents & those of our friends

#Nursery shared ‘I could be, You could be’ in our Protected Characteristic  lesson. Proverbs 16:9 says, 'In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps' -we explored how we achieve goals & thought about our aspirations #PSHE #DreamsAndGoals

Reception shared ‘My World, Your World’ in our Protected Characteristics lesson. Psalm 24:1 says, ‘The earth is the LORD's, & everything in it,the world, & all who live in it’ - we explored how we achieve success & shared our aspirations #PSHE #DreamsAndGoals

Anti-Bullying Week

Reception had lots of fun in Dance with the catchy #AntiBullyingWeek song - #ChooseRespect - by Andy & the Odd Socks


To celebrate anti bullying week #EYFS enjoyed going to the library to share the stories A little bit of respect and I’m always kind. These stories demonstrated the importance of showing respect everyone.